Well, shit. I'm pretty bad at this, haha. I apologize to Mandy for my lack of dedication. : )
I haven't much to say today. On Thursdays I usually have a set Thursday plan where a couple of my friends come over and we watch some specific show, our first one was Deadwood and now we're on The Wire. Well, those plans were canceled last night, so I decided to go out with some other guys. That was a very good idea on my part, especially since it was with six guys. Easily my favorite "type" of hanging out is when it is with males; I'm very bad at hanging out with girls. That's my excuse for not writing- I went out. Shh, don't remind me about all the other bits of time during the day that I could of done the blog.
Well, I looked at the news today, and of course almost all of it is bad, like I complained about before. It's so god damned depressing reading the news- and I do know several people who don't even care to look anymore. Not sure if that's a valid excuse, but I can appreciate the reason why. Especially after I read the story about Seath Jackson. This young 15 year old was lured to a house where he was beaten and shot several times- he tried to escape but was shot again. His body was then burned and his ashes spread into paint cans and thrown into a garbage bin. This was done to him by a group of six people- 4 being tried as adults, 2 as minors. Supposedly over some girl. There are some aspects to human behavior I don't understand.
I went and searched for a good news story, and came across one from Baraboo, WI. This good samaritan saw a house on fire behind his own residence and he ran over, scaled the porch up to the second floor, knocked out a window and helped a woman escape the flames. The fire department arrived to the scene right after he helped her down- who knows what the difference in time would have made, but it's a great fucking story.
What was the nicest, most good-samaritany thing you've done?
Song of the day (Thursday): Bloc Party - Flux [maybe my favorite BP song and the video is awesome]
Song of the day (Friday): Taproot - Calling [very suited to me for some reason]
I totally feel ya about depressing news. Damn, sometimes it's just hard to take in! That story about the Baraboo man is great, tho. :) My nicest Good Samaritan move was when I found a $100 bill on the floor of the girls locker room and turned it in to the police officer who patrol's the high school. You know my Catholic guilt would have kicked my ass had I kept that money!